Japan’s beloved puzzle game series Puyo Puyo and the world-renowned Tetris® game franchise have teamed up again to deliver even more Puyo-popping and Tetrimino-clearing fun in Puyo Puyo Tetris 2.
Slide is a Puzzle Game where you control both the protagonist and his enemy, in it you are tasked with finding ways to defeat your enemy Angry Man, be it with a sword or using the environment, every level features multiple ways to beat them and the game features over 20 of them!
Find over 70 unique monsters to battle, collect and raise. Your monsters will go through a branching path of evolutions to help you explore a dream-like open world. Let your dreams become a reality or look for a way out.
One day, a noble woman turns our protagonist's (the doctor) life upside down by visiting his clinic, in a town where the amok madness is rampant. The doctor leaves all his personal effects and career aside and begins to follow this woman's footsteps while fighting against the deadly amok syndrome.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, also known as CBT, is the use of evidence based strategies to help manage symptoms of poor mental health problems such as stress, anxiety and depression. Yuuka Kazami from the Touhou Project invites you to some mostly peaceful lessons where you grasp the basics of CBT!
Shoot, squish, merge, amass! sobosuba is a satisfying physics game where you shoot and combine squishy blobs together, creating ever bigger blobs for the high score.