In Shin Megami Tensei V, you are an unadventurous manikin that must traverse a post-apocalyptic Tokyo and battle demons in order to gain forbidden knowledge. You must use the turn-based battle system to your advantage as you fight enemies and solve puzzles in order to progress.
PC Windowsps1 portablemega drive/genesisPlaystation 4Nintendo Switch
Join the adventure to explore a deadly dungeon! Dungeon Encounters is a polished dungeon exploration RPG with refined battle mechanics and a streamlined interface. Prepare to face new challenges, monsters, and lost allies while collecting rare items and discovering the dungeon's secrets. Do you have what it takes to complete all 99 floors?
Once upon a time gods sent you here. You’ve slept in a glass sarcophagus for hundrends of years. When people find themselves on the brink of extinction, you’ll have to wake up. Now, the time has come. Get up and save the medieval village from the monsters coming from the abandoned dungeons!
Challenge the Great Tree with the maidens of Gensokyo! Challenge the mysterious great tree that suddenly appeared! Form and develop a large team from the characters of Touhou Project, and challenge the powerful foes that stand in your way! Now, enter the labyrinth that pierces even the skies!
The Slormancer is a 2D Action-RPG Dungeon Crawling game where you play as a Knight, Huntress, or Mage. You must master hundreds of abilities and ancestral powers, gear up, and fight against hordes of enemies led by The Slormancer. With shiny loot, collectibles, frenetic gameplay, and pixel art, this game will have you hooked for countless hours of content. With a deep story, unique weapons, and endless quests for epic loot, every playthrough is different. Don't miss out on this epic adventure!
In Saviors of Sapphire Wings, a fallen hero is reincarnated 100 years after being defeated by the Overlord of Darkness. Bond with allies, explore dungeons, and vanquish monsters in this RPG gem!
early accessNintendo SwitchLinuxMac OSAndroidIOS iPhonePC WindowsPlaystation 4
Siralim Ultimate is an RPG with over 1200 monsters to collect and customize to your liking. With randomly generated dungeons and post-story content, this game offers a never-ending adventure. The game's specializations and teambuilding options give an insane amount of choice to the player. If you're an RPG fan who loves discovering something new each time you play, Siralim Ultimate delivers.
In MONOLISK, you get to raid handcrafted dungeons and collect loot and creature cards to build your own dungeons for others to play. With a blend of fantasy ARPG, CCG, and dungeon building, this game is perfect for anyone who loves hack 'n' slash RPGs. You can customize your heroes and design unique levels for your friends and followers, while also crafting new cards and expanding your collection. Help rebuild the shattered world of MONOLISK and tell your own stories in this exciting adventure!
Nintendo SwitchPC WindowsPlaystation 5Playstation 4vita
Explore a mysterious underground labyrinth and discover its secrets in Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society. With stunning visuals and an engaging storyline, this dungeon-exploring adventure game filled with mystery and charm boasts over 50 hours of exploration and the ability to customize up to 40 fighters. Join the adventure and discover the secrets of the Labyrinth of Galleria if you dare!