An escape room inspired adventure. Play as a scientist transported back in time to memories of college, trying to escape the nightmare reality. Explore areas and take in your surroundings. Use all of your puzzle solving skills to make your way through Ridgeway College and return back to the present.
Twogether: Project Indigos is a single player third person puzzle adventure. Set in the frightening Hexacells facilities, Twogether will pose original puzzles that will only be solvable by collaboration.
Mad Experiments 2: Escape Room is the sequel of the award-nominated multiplayer escape game Mad Experiments. Alone or with up to 5 friends, follow the story of Hildegarde and Professor Cheshire, explore rich environments to find clues, and solve mind-bending puzzles to escape!
Did you really believe a wardrobe is just a piece of furniture? Not in Forgotten Hill! Uncover the evil within the 5 twisted chapters of this new point-and-click adventure. Will you survive?
Nobodies: After Death is a puzzling point-and-click adventure in cleaning up dirty work. After your agency takes out a target, you make the evidence disappear without a trace. Find a way to get in, get out, and leave no bodies behind.