"The ultimate depiction of the Three Kingdom. A heroic drama of a gathering of Legends. "With this as the concept behind Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13, we have compiled an experience that will immerse you even deeper into the world of the Three Kingdoms, with "human drama," seen through the interactions of the...
Xuan-Yuan Sword VII is an ARPG rooted in Chinese history and mythology. Players take on the role of Taishi Zhao, a calm and reliable swordsman who was accidentally involved in a tragic fate. To protect his beloved family, he starts a journey in this chaotic realm to find the truth.
Strategic Mind: The Pacific is a turn-based strategy set in the WW2 period depicting the war between the USA and the Empire of Japan waged in the Pacific Ocean with mindblowing historical accuracy and attention to detail. Two Sides. Two Commanders. Two Destinies.
Playstation 4Nintendo SwitchjPlaystation 5PC WindowsMac OSLinux
Slami, who did not go to university, goes to Intown to try to find his own special way in life. In Intown, you will meet characters just like Slami, all of them different from each other. Will you accompany them on this path? It is up to you to decide.
Zippy the Circle Level 8, Level 9, and Level 10 (2021)
Xbox OneNintendo SwitchPlaystation 5Playstation 4Xbox Series XMac OSPC Windows
“A Painter's Tale” is an adventure game that tells the story of the tiny Südtirol village of Curon Venosta by mixing reality and fiction. The old Curon was flooded by the waters of Lake Reschen in 1950 due to the construction of a dam. What lies beneath the bell tower still emerging from the lake?
Investigate the murder of Sherlock Holmes in an incredible Virtual Reality adventure. Interact with everything in an authentic voxel reconstruction of 221B Baker Street. Search for clues, play the violin, read books and become a oneiric detective in this dreamlike escape room.
The Last DeadEnd is a game with elements of an adventure, shooter and horror. There is a mysterious atmosphere of a real old city, where the protagonist seeks answers to his questions and fights against the forces of evil.
Nintendo SwitchPC WindowsPlaystation 4Playstation 5Xbox OneXbox Series Xstadia
A new release in the Empires series, featuring a mix of thrilling action and country capturing simulation. Experience the human drama of the Three Kingdoms in a way only Empires can provide. Fight exciting Castle Sieges and manipulate the country's Politics. Welcome to the Empires experience!