In the year 2170 an alien threat known as the CYRONS invaded the planet Earth with intent of hostile takeover. Play as "AGENT 69" in the this fast paced Cyberpunk, Hack and Slash action game!
How accurately can you recreate a random colour? Forget using a colour picker, learn to form hex codes in your mind. Impress your crush. Prove your abilities under the clock, blindfolded. Practice today.
Having trouble with your friends deciding which game to play? The Party Park will become your place of leisure among friends. Become a god and create your own world for you and your friends.
Start your own online store! Buy products from wholesalers and list them profitably on the Internet. Increase your shipping capacity and assortment. Ensure timely delivery to customers and that everyone receives the goods they ordered. Beware of negative reviews as they can spoil your reputation!