"cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: content (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html) for http:/content/pdc/us/en_US/explore/games/p/pi/pipe-mania-psp/_jcr_content/thinherobanner/smallImage.img.png/1486162257436.png"
50 Games Like Pipe Mania

50 Games Like Pipe Mania

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Pipe Mania is a frenetic, addictive and infectious puzzle game that now lives on your PSP. Alfonso Senior, having made his fortune from the original Pipe Mania has retired to his own private island paradise. Playing as Alfonsos children, Junior and Fawcett, its up to you to take over the family business and save the island from pollution and return it to its original glory.

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