An auto-RPG with strategic combat, deep crafting and programming elements, animated entirely in ASCII-art. In a realm of perpetual darkness, a single stone could change everything...
Steam-powered mechs meet forbidden sorcery in this interactive steampunk novel, inspired by Sherlock Holmes, Dracula, Jekyll & Hyde, and Jack the Ripper!
The story is set in nondescript rural junior high scool. Tomoki belong to a club that mix literatureclub and tea ceremony club. That called "Kotonoha Circle." It was the night he saw Far fireworks. He meets soaked girl in the center of lake.
Take part in one of the most complex interactive adventure stories ever written! What if the sun inexplicably vanished only to return hours later? Investigate with your AI companion, Moti. Uncover conspiracies. Discover ancient religions. Travel the globe.
Battle demons and undead attorneys, and win souls to pay back your student loans! At the elite demonic-law firm of Varkath Nebuchadnezzar Stone, you'll depose a fallen god, find romance, and maybe even make partner, if you don't lose your own soul first.
Become a road warrior in the arid plains! Take the role of a Highway Marshall, in a bid to enforce the rule of civilization on a post-apocalyptic world. Will you prevent the sacking of the last remaining cities, rule over them as a Warlord, or attempt to seek a better future for humanity?