Dive into the enigmatic world of "The Mystery Man," an Alternate Reality Game (ARG) that blurs the lines between reality and fiction. In this immersive experience, you become the investigator, unraveling the secrets of the SCP Universe through a series of intricate puzzles and cryptic clues.
Shishimai Rinka was a high schooler who ran a small café named Lion House in place of her grandmother. She lived her life much like any other person her age, but one day, she was caught up in an explosion while returning home on the train alongside her friend, Hitsuji Naomi.
Shadow Government Simulator: Prologue is just part of the amazing adventure that awaits you in the full version of the game. A turn-based strategy game where you lead a secret society towards world domination. Investigate the influential and convert them to your faction via bribery, seduction & more
Become a Secret Agent and investigate paranormal activities in this dark Lovecraftian universe. This Alternate Reality Game will have you explore complex puzzles in-game but also in real-life; interacting with real websites, companies, and NPCs that we created as part of our universe.
Experience a sneak peek of YIIK I.V! Step beyond Alex Eggleston's story and become the Nameless Child, a young girl pushed from a mysterious tower. Guide her through a surreal dimension where she must find a way to save both the Good Brother and the Bad Brother.
A horror-themed stock market simulator where the player must make enough money to pay their debt in time. Buy, sell and short shares in fictional companies, earn dividends, pay taxes and follow the in-game news for possible hints on what to invest in. No previous experience in stock market required.
Mascot Horror in a 90´s escape room! deliver your pizza order to Tagomago´s Mansion, but be careful, dinner is not the pizza..its YOU! escape from this haunted house and his 7 cannibalish inhabitants in a time loop with more than 25 endings! EVERY MONTH NEW ROOMS AND ENDINGS ADDED! (◣__◢ )