Super Mecha Champions is an action shooter featuring mecha combats, which sets scene in a neo-futuristic Alpha City. An exciting battle is taking place here, you need to overcome opponents with cutting-edge weapons, magnificent mechas and vehicles, aiming for the highest honor of being a champion!
Grab your balloon crossbow and trusty inflatable hammer, because things are about to get wobbly! Be the last weirdo standing in the world-leading physics-based Battle Royale game.
IOS iPhonechn: tbaXbox Series X/s ww: tba AndroidPlaystation 4ww: 4 august 2020Nintendo SwitchXbox Series X/sPlaystation 5Nintendo SwitchXbox OneXbox Series XPC WindowsPlaystation 4
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout flings hordes of contestants together online in a wild dash through round after round of escalating chaos until one victor remains!Battle bizarre obstacles, shove through unruly competitors, and overcome the unbending laws of physics as you stumble towards greatness. Leave your dignity at the door and prepare for hilarious failure in your quest to claim the crown!
Xbox OneAndroidIOS iPhonePC WindowsNintendo Switch
Cyber Hunter is an open-world battle royale game featuring an unique combination of gaming elements, including survival, shooting and exploring. Any vertical surface in the Cyber Hunter world is climbable and players can glide down from high up.
Hellfire Tactics is a competitive multiplayer autobattler strategy game. Experience intense 8 player matches while drafting from over 90 different units all with their own unique effects on the game.
BATTLE CRUSH is a 30-Player Action Brawl genre game. Thrilling gameplay set on crumbling terrain. Embark on an unprecedented journey of concise yet addictive action gameplay.