50 Games Like Bentley's Hackpack
Try several addictive and fun mini-games in Bentleys Hackpack! Featured in Sly Cooper: Thieves in TimeTM, step into the Arcade and play through multiple levels to bust open all the safes and unlock the most secret and secure item ever!Spark Runner - In this hacking game, guide the spark ball through a circuit board-like maze of obstacles and place it into a socket at the end of the maze to complete each stage.Alter Ego - Launch Bentleys alter ego the Bentla-Tron-500 into the system to crack the code and bypass the systems core by blowing it up to complete the hack.System Cracker - Pilot Bentleys ship within the virtual level of the computer system he is attempting to hack. Break through the security barriers and complete the hack by reaching the Docking Gate.