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""" Client error: `GET https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/27/Disney%27s_American_Dragon_-_Jake_Long%2C_Attack_of_the_Dark_Dragon_Coverart.jpg` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response:\n File not found: /v1/AUTH_mw/wikipedia-en-local-public.27/2/27/Disney%27s_American_Dragon_-_Jake_Long%2C_Attack_of_the_Da (truncated...)\n """
Jake Long's beloved Rose is being held hostage by the nefarious Dark Dragon, who plans to lure Jake to his destruction.
0px; margin-top: 0"> • Transform Jake into the American Dragon and spew scorcing fire!
• Take flight in full 3D Dragon stages!
• Unique combat system allows you to release fire balls, perform jump attacks, and swipe your Dragon tail!