"cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: content (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html) for http:/content/pdc/us/en_US/explore/games/d/du/dust-514-ps3/_jcr_content/thinherobanner/smallImage.img.png/1486162257436.png"
50 Games Like DUST 514

50 Games Like DUST 514

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Dust 514 allowed players to customize infantry and vehicles with a modular fitting system similar to the ship fitting system in Eve Online. Dust 514 players could also work together with Eve players in capturing systems in Eve Online's factional warfare space; Dust 514 players could speed up or slow down the rate at which a system could be captured by winning battles for the attacking faction. The player alliances and corporations of Eve Online could hire Dust 514 players as mercenaries to fight for control over planets; the outcome of such battles were expected to eventually affect the sovereignty of player-run political powers in Eve Online. If a player in Eve Online were in position above a planet with proper bombardment equipment, the player could fire upon a target designated by a friendly Dust 514 player.

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