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""" Client error: `GET https://store.playstation.com/store/api/chihiro/00_09_000/container/US/en/999/UP1023-CUSA17197_00-ENGBVSPRD0000001/1583889160000/image` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response:\n {"codeName":"DataNotFound","errorUUID":"8fae06fe-8b92-4709-8911-43c5f3681d98","cause":"Item not found"}\n """
Legendary fighting game studio ARC SYSTEM WORKS and Cygames team up to bring the beloved Granblue Fantasy universe to the home console in an action-packed, head-to-head fighter. Granblue Fantasy: Versus features a colorful cast of their most popular crewmates, each with a unique fighting style that is easy to learn but hard to master. *Choose one of: Sunlight Stone x1, Gold Brick x1, Sephira Evolite x1, Damascus Crystal x10 *Additional bonuses will be added in the future.