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""" Client error: `GET http://media.nintendo.com/nintendo/bin/fACx7nzB35sF1Z8wQBXPHCiolhxoIkyd/XjDRxfwFKwKtj19-awipsusfblU0fAtR.jpg` resulted in a `403 Forbidden` response:\n <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n <Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access Denied</Message></Error>\n """
Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version will feature a new generation of amazing Pokémon. Several of these Pokémon have been revealed so far: the Legendary Pokémon Reshiram will appear on the cover of Pokémon Black Version and the Legendary Pokémon Zekrom will be seen on the cover of Pokémon White Version.