"cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: content (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html) for http:/content/pdc/us/en_US/explore/games/r/re/record-of-agarest-war-ps3/_jcr_content/thinherobanner/smallImage.img.png/1486162257436.png"
50 Games Like Record of Agarest War

50 Games Like Record of Agarest War

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Leonhardt, a young military officer, must sacrifice his life, his soul' and his future to seal the pillars of the gods on each of Agarest's five continents. Will his children-who suffer the same fate-find a world of light, or one of darkness, at the end of their long battle? Only the future will tell... In each of game's five chapters, you will control a new hero and troops, to explore a new continent over the course of their lives. Each chapter concludes with the hero choosing a wife and giving birth to the protagonist of the next generation. This title requires 9 GB of free space on your hard drive. Installation will also require an additional 9 GB of hard drive space, which will be freed after completion.

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