50 Games Like StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void
The Warp Prism, the trademark Protoss air transport, now has the ability to pick up units at a longer, safe range, but still must get on point to unload any cargo or deploy its psionic field utilized to warp-in Protoss units. For new units, the Terrans receive the Cyclone, a Factory-built unit that uses its missile launcher system to lock on to targets and fire at both ground and air targets while moving, similar to the Protoss Phoenix. For new units, the Zerg receive the Ravager, an evolution from Roaches (akin to Lurkers from Hydralisks and Banelings from Zerglings) and can use a 'Corrosive Bile' special ability that acts like 'focused artillery', focusing a specific location and dealing damage to anything it hits, including air units.